Kreuzviertel Dortmund
Mixed bags in Bude, “Pilsken” in the pub or the vegan Matcha Latte with oat milk in the concept store? In Dortmund these apparent opposites find a common denominator, which is called Kreuzviertel. The urban district near the city center is waiting for you to unveil its secret of how raw Ruhrpott charm and creative doer mentality go together! Find out: In the "omaRosa Café" you have breakfast in modern Scandi-Chick and at the same time you are smothered like grandmother. In the "Z Zwischenstopp" kiosk you will meet the former chef of a top hotel in the Allgäu, who is now pursuing his true passion as a stall owner. Need more examples? Then see for yourself which stories “UnterhaltungFavoritsstücke”, “U-Nikat”, “HEJ Store”, “Herr Liebig”, “Kieztörtchen” and Co. tell you.