The picture shows Hayri from the kiosk to the philosopher

Hayri from kiosk to philosopher

From philosophy student to kiosk owner - meet Hayri and the story behind his drinking hall!

Hayri introduces himself

I'm Hayri Nagili, 33 years old, residing in Bochum-Ehrenfeld and have been the kiosk operator of the kiosk “Zum Philosophen” for two years.

How did it come about that you have a kiosk here?

Before that, I was doing my legal clerkship with the subjects history and philosophy at high school. Unfortunately, things didn't go as well as I had hoped. That's when we found out by chance that someone wanted to sell the kiosk right on the street where we live. Then I had a vision, walked past there and thought: "Oh come on, you can still make something nice out of the shop, with a more cultural program for example". Then we took over the shop two years ago and a lot has happened since then.

What are the special features of the kiosk?

The special features with us are the name "Zum Philosophen", which you don't see that often. What is also special is that we are very closely linked to the neighborhood. This means that we work together with the local association when it comes to fundraising campaigns, for example during the Corona period. Then we launched our art project – “Art at the Kiosk”. There we had an exhibition with local artists in the shop every month. Then of course our table, which has become very well known here, with the "wisdom of the week" and the "beer of the week". Our concern was to bring the philosophy to the streets. Getting people to think, stop and see what wisdom this week has. In addition there is our "Beer of the Week", so that you have a specialty from all over the world to philosophize about. So things that you don't see in everyday life to broaden your beer horizon.

Do you have a favorite “wisdom of the week”?

It's very difficult for me. I or the team very often try to write down wisdom that cannot be ticked off so easily, where you say yes, "I agree, that's exactly how it is", but which should also be a bit provocative, intended to stimulate thought , preferably on current topics.

What are you to the people here?

You are the contact person and hear a lot from the neighborhood. Of course we have a kiosk secret and don't tell anyone else. But we get to know what moves people here at the moment and what topics they are dealing with. Sometimes you are also a pastor - you have funny conversations and sometimes sad conversations. But it's the diversity that counts!

You are there with your kiosk at the day of the drinking halls! What do you think about it?

Of course we were very happy about that. We wanted to be there last year, but unfortunately it was canceled due to the corona virus. We look forward to the program. We don't yet know what's in store for us. But I think that a lot of people will be there to celebrate this day properly.

The photo shows drinks with Day of the Drink Halls logo

Why exactly Bochum? And why exactly the Ehrenfeld?

On the one hand, Bochum is culturally very diverse, so there are many different cultures. The history that we are the center of the Ruhr area. The field of honor also represents this. Because life is just here.

What are your tips for Bochum and the Ruhr area?

So for Bochum, of course, VfL Bochum and that too Mining Museum is well known. The Bermuda3eck is unique in the Ruhr area. Everyone must have been there once to have a drink with their colleagues. So there are many corners, many insider tips. You just have to walk through the area and then you will find nice corners. Just let yourself drift.

How would you describe yourself in three words?

 Helpful, kind and creative.

All photos © Per Appelgren

Hayri's tips for the Ruhr area

Kiosk to the philosopher

Hunscheidtstrasse 61
44789 Bochum